What OnePlus did to the likes of Samsung and HTC, Xioami's sub-brand Poco is doing to OnePlus. A few years ago, OnePlus disrupted the premium smartphone market by launching phones with similar specifications at half the price. Although still competitive, the pricing of OnePlus smartphones has gone up in the recent years. The recently launched OnePlus 6, which is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 processor, has been priced at Rs 34,999. The first offering under Poco by Xiaomi focuses on speed, is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 processor, and is priced at Rs 20,999. But can Poco F1 give OnePlus 6 and other flagship devices a run for their money? Why Poco? Xiaomi has been the undisputed king in sub Rs 15,000 smartphone segment but struggled in the Rs 20,000 segment and above. Even with flagship launches such as the Mi 5 and Mi Mix 2 in the country, it could not compete with OnePlus and aggressively priced devices from Honor, Nokia and Vivo. But Xiaomi seems to have b...
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