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Hold Your Hand Like This & Lose Belly Fat OVERNIGHT - No Diet No Exercise to Lose Weight

we use our hands to do pretty much
everything we use them to prepare our
food and to drive our cars however there
are some specific hand exercises from
ancient India which will make you learn
how to use hand yoga to treat health
problems and lose weight sit on the
floor with your back straight try to be
as comfortable as you can while sitting
you can also perform solium or are
sitting on a chair put both of your
hands on your knees with the palm facing
upwards now place your thumb on the ring
finger of your each hand your other
fingers must be straight only ring
finger and thumb should be bent exert
the pressure on your ring finger the
more pressure you exert the more fiery
energy you will release in your body if
you want to lose the abdominal fat then
you must practice it for at least 30
minutes daily solium bra increases the
fire element and at the same time
decreases element within the body in
digestion is the major cause for obesity
overweight and excess body fat since the
fire element helps in improving the
digestive power
it is therefore believed that sodium
Arak would help treat obesity problem
naturally it is also known to reduce
cholesterol helpful in relieving common
cold shivering vision problems
constipation and other digestion
problems its core function is to
increase vitality by increasing your
metabolism effectively assisting with
weight loss suley umbra will help burn
off heavy meal bringing you back to your
more energized self place four fingers horizontally above
the navel and massage this area for two
to three minutes
clockwise and counter clockwise this
point helps reduce cast formation and
relieve stomach cramps if you want to
eliminate water retention and relieve
stomach pains then place two fingers
horizontally above the navel and massage
this area for two to three minutes
clockwise and counter clockwise after
this place four fingers below the navel
the point is located just under the
little finger massage the point for two
to three minutes clockwise and counterclockwise massaging
this area will increase intestinal
activity and remove heaviness within the

stomach besides this drinking ginger tea
also helps to alleviate bloated stomach
take a glass of water and add few pieces
of chopped ginger roots to it on a low
medium flame boil the water for few
minutes turn off the flame after five to
ten minutes let it cool down strain the
tea and serve another option is to eat
one teaspoon of fresh grated ginger
before meals you can also create gentle
route and sprinkle it in your food
ginger possesses carminative properties
that can help to expel gas and relieve
cramps and indigestion
this shows the efficiency of ginger in
treating stomach bloating along with its
symptoms this will reduce swelling of
stomach and make it look flat before
trying any of these home remedies you
should consult your health expert
besides this some of the tips that will
help you reduce bloating are eating
slowly and chewing your food thoroughly
eating smaller meals more frequently
walking after a meal

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