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Hey what is up my boys it's your boy case to
back with another video and in this video I'm gonna talk about five things
that notes or new players do in pubg mobile so let's start without wasting
any time

 number one running away from 
fights I have seen many players who try
to run away from a gunfight or stay in camp in one place hoping that they could
avoid any fight if you are doing that too
then ask yourself what's the point of
playing a game in which all you do is
wait for people to go away from you and 
just sit at one place until the play's
own forces you to leave that place why are you even playing a game in which all
you do is sit in one place and just wait for people to kill each other and yes
you may win a game or two and get the
chicken dinner but you won't be able to
digest it since you did not earn it yes
you killed the last player because he
had no idea that he were camping in 
grass or a house and if you are afraid
that you may die then just don't play
the game you won't die ever my tip 'is
that you should play more Arcade Mode
to get out of the habit of camping and
playing like a pussy.

number two not picking enough grenades if you are you
then you might not know how important it 
is to get grenades these are very
effective and can change the course of
the whole game you should have at least
4 to 5 frag grenades and 3 to 4 smoke
grenades and if you want you can pick up
some stun grenades too if you don't know
how to use a stun grenade then  lastly frag
grenades can be extremely useful at the
final circle as everyone is pawning in
the tall grass so just throw somegrenades randomly and you might get
lucky with a kill moreover smokegrenades can be used to revive a
teammate in the open fields and moving
from one place to another without taking
many shots.

number 3 not cooking grenades properly I will be totally honest I to
make this mistake sometimes the thing is
you should not throw the grenade just
after you remove the let a cook in your hand for three to
four seconds and when there is two seconds left throw the grenade what this
will do is that it would not give you a renomii to react as he will have only
one second to react so he cannot do much
just be careful or you will blow the
grenade in your own face and will end up
dying the ideal time ease to second take
your time to aim properly and throw when
the timer is at two or three seconds at

 number four not using earphones if
you are playing without earphones then
you will have a very hard time to detect
the enemy position and you will have to
see the map which is not very accurate
most of the time so if you have a rare
phone or headphone nearby just use it as
you will have a great advantage by doing
so moreover if you have a rare phone or
headphone which is really good in
quality then you can detect the enemy's
exact location so yes you can even do
solo vs squad and you may already have
noticed that many pro players already
know the enemy position even without
seeing them since they can hear their
footsteps from far away.

number five going to underrated places
if you are going to get car just for the
reason that you might die in four chinky
or Jorge poll then it is just useless to
play the game this tip will change your
gameplay forever and for good always go
to perch in key or other overrated
places because there you will find more
people and you will be able to increase
your skills and reaction time so no
matter what always land in hot places
every fucking time you can either be a
you have now and comment again after a
week and tell me if you improved your
kill ratio well that is it for this
 and you
will be in an early fight anyway so you
should go to the high loot place and
even if you end up dying you will die
like a proud soldier and not a pussy who
just died in farm you should make a
habit of going to high populated places
now matter what you may think this is
bullshit you may think that case two is
just saying random shit but you will see
the results in just a week or so so yeah
go to hot places
let me summarize one don't run away from
fight instead get into fights to pick up
all kind of grenades since they are very
useful three cook grenades properly four
try to use good quality a phone or
headphones five go to hot places and
kill every motherfucker and be the king
well I hope you guys will try to use
these tips in your game and I'm sure
that it will help you become a pro pubG

let me know the highest number of kills
you have now and comment again after a
week and tell me if you improved your
kill ratio well that is it for this

And please follow this blog
