🔰 The method to get FREE Uber rides🔰 1. Download BlueStacks here and go to the Play Store, and download the UBER app. (To utilize this the best, you will need a real cell phone number) 2. Get a phone number confirmation on HF for $1. These numbers work on UBER and they'll confirm the number for you. - Or you can use a texting app that gives you a free number, but this doesn't work al the time. Ex. TextFree 3. Register yourself through the UBER app. 4. Go to your main UBER account, and type in the UBER Rides referral code into your new Bluestacks Uber accounts promotion section. 5. Use your first free ride, it should be a $10-20 referral. 6. WAIT! you can keep doing this.. 7. Download BSTweaker 3.12 8. Reset your GUID, go to your settings in the Bluestacks app, force stop your UBER apps and clear the data, and do it all again with a different account! 9. You'll end up with a $20 free credit to ride with your Bluestacks account, and $10-$20 credt on your...
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